Cigars International
123,000 sq ft | Cigar Distribution Facility | Bethlehem, PA
Industrial (Manufacturing & Distribution)Redevelopment
Cigars International is a subsidiary of Swedish Match AB, a $1.8 billion global manufacturer and distributor of premium cigars.
The company relocated to 1911 Spillman Drive from Bath, Pennsylvania, nearly tripling the size of its space. The building serves as headquarters for Cigars International as well as a warehouse/distribution and call center.
IHCM designed and built the original 113,000 sf facility and later added a 10,000 sf office mezzanine. Located within Lehigh Valley Industrial Park VII it is part of the largest brownfield redevelopment project in the United States, a site formerly occupied by Bethlehem Steel and more than 1,000-acres in size.
123,000 sq ft Industrial (Manufacturing & Distribution)Redevelopment Building located in Bethlehem, PA featuring:
- Precast Concrete load bearing exterior wall system
- 41,600 square foot humidor
- 10,000 office mezzanine
- Clear steel height of 28 feet